

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day two 25km on el camino de Santiago

Listen to the path - welcome all that comes to you.
Today was a very obvious lesson in bending or going with the flow - taking what the path gives you and not just dictating your own will.

As much as we planned to run/walk on a specific distance/time itinerary we quickly learned you run when the path gives you moderate terrain and you patiently walk, enjoy the view and reserve energy on the steep parts.

Interesting people, situations and messages come along at the most bizarre moments. Some situations are pure fun and lighten your way while others... Well, let's just say, it's best to think you can at least brighten someone else's heavy day. Others are pure inspiration: as we trekked by a very very old and hunched-over granny wobbling up her camino path it made all our pain and complaints fade away.

Buen Camino - go with the flow and keep your trail bright

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